Thursday, October 27, 2011

Denied! Denied! APPROVED!!!

One thing for sure I've learned and am learning:  What I like and what the customer like can be COMPLETELY different!

And that's OK!

I had the honor of being selected as a featured artist for the Fall 2011 East of Asheville Studio Tour.  As I recall NOW, the designer requested something like this:

' . . . one of your divas faces will be shown in the rear view mirror of a car she's driving to/from the studio tour.  It should show her signature sunglasses, red lips and hair swoop . . . '

Easy right?


Turns out I suffer from 'hear-what-want-to-hear-itis'.  And I truly don't mean to.  Plus it was so difficult to wrap my brain around anything beyond the image between my two ears.

So I came up with this:


There's not a single thing rear view about this.  Duh!

So I tried this:  

Denied!  It looks like a creepy lady in the back seat is about to scare the beegeezus out of the driver.  Plus, where are the lips?  And is that mirror image right?

So I tried this:


Funny how things work out when I get out of my own way!  

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