Monday, October 8, 2012

Outer Beauty Contest

Scenario:  You’re given major cash and the chance to splurge in a boutique that specializes exclusively in bath soaps, shower gels, scented sachets, body lotions, bath gifts, hand creams, bath salts, bath beads and related.  (Think Bath and Body Works kicked up a notch.)

What packaging do you like most?  

Is the soap in girly packaging with flowers and soft pastels?

Is it in bold colors like black or red? 

Super clean and sleek?

Bows and polka dots?
Something completely different?

Tell me. 

Be as general or specific as you want.  (Exposed soap with minimalist packaging like just a bow or label isn't an option.)  

Remember:  I'm completely interested in the last favorite fancy bottle of lotion or clever scented sachet.  

Everyone that responds is automatically entered in a contest. 

You can respond here, Facebook, email, Twitter, etc.   "Liking" is of course and always appreciated.  But for this contest, actual input is necessary to be entered in the drawing.  

Everyone that responds gets entered for a chance to win a Doodle Divas "Diva With Poodle" t-shirt AND a Doodle Divas notecard!

Contest ends October 10, this Wednesday evening!  

So spill it!

And good luck!  :-)


  1. Personally, I like something along the lines of pretty yet tough. Think Urban Decay brand. Florals are a dime a dozen; I want something that makes a statement! Pink and black is a great color combo that most girls can relate to.

  2. Thanks Jen! You're now entered for a chance to win Doodle Divas "Diva With Poodle" t-shirt and a Doodle Divas notecard!

  3. Bold, solid colors with a delicate touch works for me...but the delicate must be subtle. Nothing flowery...but pastel polka dots in spring would work. Just rambling on over here, DD...I trust your instincts. :)
